The Community Action Team is a group of faculty and parents that develop programs and events that support the Chesnut community as well as their engagement in Chesnut.
Some of our events and initiatives include the following:
- Registration Day
- New Parent Coffee
- Picture Day
- Family Night Bingo
- Prospective Parent Night
- Spring Fling – Dance
- Kindergarten Roundup
- Teacher Appreciation
- Yearbook
- Walk to School
- New Family Welcome Committee
- School Tours
- Diversity Team
- Used Uniforms
If you are interested in joining this Action Team or have questions, please contact the Community Chair at
Curriculum & Instruction
The Curriculum & Instruction Action Team has a teacher/staff majority and is responsible for tracking student progress and achievement by various means, including (but not limited to):
- Monitoring year-over-year test performance
- Following plans in the Consolidated School Improvement Plan
- Developing realistic and challenging Objectives and Goals
- Enhancing academics by supporting creative programs such as Cultural Arts, Math Stars, and Accelerated Reader
This team also leads efforts to bring a STEM curriculum to Chesnut.
Parent involvement on this team is critical to the ongoing academic success of Chesnut. Contact or attend the monthly meeting led by Principal Williams. This team meets monthly – check the school calendar for dates/times.
The Facilities Action Team fosters a positive learning environment through improvements to the classrooms, technology infrastructure, building and grounds, athletic and other equipment.
If you are interested in joining the Facilities Action Team or have any questions, please contact the Facilities Chair at
Communications & PR
The Communications/PR Action Team continues to explore ways to improve and streamline communications to effectively enable and engage Chesnut families, faculty and our wider community with timely and accurate information about PTC and other school news.
Members of this action team are active throughout the year communicating news internally and externally through various communication vehicles, including:
- FOC website, where much information about the school is kept
- Online school calendar of events (from website)
- Chesnut Weekly Newsletter, a weekly email blast
- Good News Chesnut, blasted by email when there is good news to share with Chesnut families and faculty
- Friends of Chesnut Facebook page, for Chesnut families and community supporters
- “Marquee” billboards located on North Peachtree Road and in the carpool line
- Press releases to various news organizations to inform the community about all the exciting developments at Chesnut Elementary
- Room parents volunteers
- MySchoolAnywhere Online Family Directory
For more information on the Communications Action Team, please contact the Communications Chair at
The Finance & Fundraising Action Team is led by a liaison who manages the PTC budget, and also includes a group of faculty and parents that develop fundraising programs for the school.
As a parent, you will be asked to provide funds for a variety of reasons throughout the school year. A goal of the PTC is to help minimize the confusion around these requests and provide a realistic expectation of when these requests will occur.
If you are interested in joining the Finance/Fundraising Team or have any questions, please contact the Fundraising Chair at
Team Mission
Chesnut’s Wellness Action Team promotes healthy habits and environment for our students, families, faculty and staff in support of DeKalb County’s Wellness Policy. By soliciting community, family and staff input, the Wellness Team develops and executes Chesnut’s School Health Improvement Action Plan to help improve all stakeholders’ physical, mental and emotional wellness, leading to greater success inside and out of the classroom.
Wellness Programs
- Allergy Awareness
- Farm to School Nutrition and Gardening Lessons
- Healthier Snack Education
- Healthy Cafeteria Choices
- Handwashing
Physical Activity
- Brain Breaks
- Healthy Games and Activities for Kids – Courtesy of University of Illinois at Chicago
- Fire Up Your Feet
- Walk to School/Safe Routes to School
- Running Club
- Chiefs Futbol Afterschool Program
Help us build this list! If you have a great healthy eating website or application suggestion, or easy recipe that includes primarily whole fruits and veggies and whole grains, please send it to
Brain Breaks
Adventure to Fitness
Tae Bo Brain Breaks
Fast Fitness Breaks with the Captain of the Boston Celtics
Whole Grain Cooking Guide and Hot Breakfast/Dinner Bowl Ideas from Whole Foods
Tips & Tricks
“Save Money. Save Time. Eat Healthy”
Menu Planning Template
Reusable Container Guide
Local Farmers Markets Map
Join a CSA (Community-Supported Agriculture, locally grown produce)
Balanced Lunch Suggestions
sustainable seafood recipes
$5 Meals
My Fitness Pal
Menuplanner (only iPhone/iPad and $3)
The Wellness Action Team welcomes new members and sponsors! If you are interested in joining the Wellness Action Team or have any questions, please contact the Wellness Chair at